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Reporting and Accounting


Our accounting services and reports are comprehensive, accurate and easy to understand.  We’ll tailor our reports to your needs and preferences allowing you to select from a variety of ways to have us remit the funds we collect on your behalf.  This can be done weekly, bi-weekly or on a monthly basis.


All of the following reports are standard system generated reports, and are typically produced monthly. Our computer services can also generate customized reports in the event the information requested is not available using one of the standard reports.


Descriptions of available reports


Client Acknowledgment Report

Transmitted electronically or mailed to client within three days of turnover to verify the receipt and accuracy of referred accounts and balances


Return Listing

A report that lists accounts purged from CCI’s system, which either have been paid in full or deemed not collectible, for the reasons specified


Debtor Inventory

A periodic report listing accounts and balances by debtor status


Service Type Summary

Details the account and dollar placements, average balance, dollars collected and liquidation percentage summarized by an unlimited # of client-specified service codes and descriptions


Detail Client Analysis And Letter Service Reports

Details total client collection performance by month, MTD and rolling 12-Months showing new accounts and dollars placed; average balance; active accounts; active dollars; liquidation ratio; letter service accounts rolled into regular collections


Monthly Activity Invoice

Shows date, description and type of debtor transaction; payments received by CCI and the client; fees retained by CCI; and the net remittance due client


Miscellaneous Ad Hoc Reports

       Custom reports & formats can be created by our flexible CR collection software system report writer


Client Requests or Inquiries

Account status update requests are preferred by e-mail and provided within 24 Hours of client request 




Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. This communication is from a debt collector.

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Credit Center LLC, 7 Finance Drive, Danbury, CT 06810

Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.

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