Credit Center LLC
7 Finance Drive
Danbury, CT 06810
Specializing in receivables management since 1967
Medical Billing Companies
The CCI Partnership: A Proven Success - A note to all Medical Billing Executives
Through our expansion, we are looking to become your strategic partner and can assure that both you and your clients will be handled with the utmost integrity and professionalism all while maximizing your bottom line.
We have been a trusted and respected partner in this industry for over four decades and would welcome an opportunity to provide you and your clients with a full customizable review of the collection process to identify the key areas where we can reduce your cost while increasing your returns.
How does a Partnership with CCI and Billing professionals work?
In recent years, we have partnered with some of the top Medical Billing firms throughout Connecticut and New York and have become a preferred vendor of such services. We have found that through this strategic alliance, it has allowed us to help such companies in providing an effective and efficient post billing solution to their clients. Our approach has proven to provide our partners with greater client recruiting and retention abilities as we have become a natural extension of their business.
Within the Medical Billing community, the one goal of these entities is to reduce the burden of paperwork for medical staff and recoup lost efficiencies caused by workload saturation, helping any medical practice to grow.
With constant changes in regulation, keeping staff and billing systems up to date with the latest billing rules can become a distraction for health care providers and administrators. Another primary objective for a medical billing service is therefore to use its billing expertise and focus to maximize insurances payments by properly processing the provider's claims.
By utilizing CCI as a post billing strategy, Medical Billing companies can be confident that their clients are achieving the most recovery out of every account. Our ability to seamlessly transition the billing to a collection effort allows us to capitalize on all collection opportunities thus increasing our rate of recovery. We accomplish this by not only continuing the efforts of the billing service through our claims processing capabilities but by also deploying alternative collections strategies that drive results.
We are confident that a CCI partnership will enrich and strengthen the enterprises you’ve worked hard to develop. As a company who also relies on such relationships, we understand the benefit of offering a service that is resolute.